Sunday, August 31, 2008


Goddam theres been nothing but abuse to my arms/hands this weekend.
Starts off with the "Midevil Battle" on friday with dylan hitting me with broken sharp plastic toy axes and swords, giving me a buncha cuts on my right arm.

Then saturday donating platelets and the girl messing up on my left arm's vein, causing this ugly blood clot looking thing because she poked it, bled it and went through it -_-

And today slipping and getting my hand slamming on nails from the house extension were adding -_-Its looking really good now, i spent almost all of today up in my little spot stringing wires all over the place. I hate heights -_-

Lol, looking down to my brother, HAHA

Gosh i was soo high up on that skeleton wooden loft thingy

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