Friday, June 27, 2008


Its usually to the people who stare me down as i make their drinks, having made like 20 really quickly right before starting theirs: one woman this morning yelled at me: "UM I HAVE TO BE ON A PLANE CAN U JUST MAKE MINE NOW ? OKAY? ITS URGENT"

i looked for my manager and then looked at her and said "Um well you probably should have just gone to the airport first, i guarantee there's a starbucks there. I'm not gonna make your drink before all the others."

after i said that she was livid and stormed out.

other dudes waiting for their drinks laughed

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So today..

After visiting the band, i went over to mt. sac to hang with a friend, then left after she went to class.
From there, i met this guy named mark.
Cool dude, he told me how he wanted to major in robotics and such, we talked about all the different scripting languages we knew and that techinal jargon.

And he told me of a club at mt. sac that might intrest me, i dunno, ill check it out when i get there.

I sat there for two hours talking to him, to only realize my bus stopped going my direction TWO hours ago -_-


Thank god my bro was in the area to save me xD

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why do i play maplestory

For this:

Another note:

Im gonna be at walnut tomorrow, i hope we can speak a lil..

New Desktop

Just another rendered image using Apophysis for this fractal
It looks purdy

The base image wasn't mine, just edited

It looks really nice regardless.

Now all i need to do is get a 2ed moniter

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Today been odd so far..
Ill wait till your ready to speak
Till then
Everything is gonna be odd