Saturday, September 27, 2008

This is the background of my blog

This is the background for my desktop pc on both moniters

This is the background for my phone

Sorry no real content tonight, i've just been quite blue recently and i don't feel like being social anymore..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feel like ranting

Thoughts on PPL to cover, no order. With random ass names.

Person 1: What the hell are you doing with your life? I know shit's hit the fan and you dont have much going on for you anymore, but theres still hope for it to work out, not through magic or god like you lead on, but if you just PLACE a LITTLE bit of effort or thought into thinks, it will work out. Stop being blind with your life and expecting "god" to fix shit, my personal experence god tends to fuck people over -_-

Person A:What the fuck are you doing? Repeating past mistakes man, you shoulda been smarter than this. Your gonna get fucked over time and time again from putting faith into _________. Your not going anywhere in life, your not making much of an effort, dont just trust people to do shit for you.

Individual Uno: I dont know what to say to you. You still give me butterflies and im always happy whenever i see you. I still like you, but...... I dont see anything back from you, and thats fine. Ill just continue this little crush, and hopefully, my constant thoughts about you will go away....... I should probably tell you this, but i wont, just like always i keep shit to myself...

♫♫♪♪♫:I miss the living FRICK outta ya, it doesnt feel right going day by day without chatting wif ya anymore. When i think about it nowadays, it was like, afterschool when you had night labs, we chat, and like walking to third period and stuff. THERES LIKE NOONE NERDY FOR ME TO TALK TO ANYMORE =[ I mostly feel bad because when i do get a chance to see you, i dont really chat because im always looking for someone or distracted by someone else >.<

Short rant times:

To Cakeisalie: Dude, your not changing much over these past 2 years ive known ya. You need to get your head outta your ass and show some consideration for others because you do tend to offend people often.

To Dickcockfaggiot: Wtf is wrong with you, you were my closest friend and now your like hella annoying and everyone in our group is annoyed of you and your like selfishness. wtf man wtf!!!

To Minicoop(too easy eh?): Hope you recover well^.^ your cool

To myself: Find a fucking reason to live -_-

Im forgetting people right now, oh well, im getting distraced from videoh geamz
Theres a new game i wanna show to people, but lemme get higher ranked first ^.^