Saturday, October 18, 2008

Three things

To state really quick

(in order of appearance today)
1.Man ya know sometimes i bite my lip from saying much of anything because i love seeing you happy and free, even thought i still have some feeling left for you.
But seeing you happy is worth more than anything i could want with you, so its all good.
2.I still cant believe you remember homecoming last year and the flower i gave you.....
Means ill be very happy for the next few weeks

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A thousand fetuses fellating a monster over a terrible, fungus covered inferno.

Oh im back home, and stuff is chaotic as normal
When i get some relaxing time ill post some material, but for now i need some sleep

Sunday, October 12, 2008

66 Degrees Fehrenheit

Yesterday i got in a little tiff with my father. He kept plastering me with jokes like im not his son, im never gonnna do shit right ect..
Sorry trying to keep this short but
Before i probably could of made things much much worse, my sister took me and im staying at her hours for a few weeks.
A lil cooldown

But fights like these is how all my brothers and sisters move out, cept freddy.
Hes the idol of the family, he gets what he wants...
And the rest of us, well.

We all have to start somewhere, i guess this is where i begin...

In other words, im in victorville not west co, so i probably wont see you guys for awile...

I dont need advise or anything right now, i know what to do.
I need some support and comfort really..